These newsletters have been very effective in helping parents and teachers at all levels to understand and appreciate Montessori from 0-12. We extend blanket permission for anyone to link or share freely with school families, colleagues, friends.

How brilliant to bundle these seven newsletters into one!   
Thank you, Susan and family, on behalf of the staff, parents and, most especially, the children
—Donna Bryant Goertz, Founder of Austin Montessori School

Piano prepars for math

NEWSLETTER #7—April, 2011
Montessori Math

The development of the mathematical mind and a love for math (and geometry) begins early in life. This newsletter helps parents understand the value of real work with many logical steps, certain manipulative materials, the need for experience before language (such as counting, shapes, series, etc.) and more.

Adele Diamond and The Dalai Lama

NEWSLETTER #6—January, 2011
Sikkim Conference "Science, Spirituality and Education

Adele Diamond, neuroscientist researching executive functions of the brain in children, invited several of us Montessorians to a meeting in Northern India with the Dalai Lama, scientists, educators, philosophers, etc., to present Montessori solutions for the problems in education today. This newsletter contains Susan's emails home from this meeting.

Grandpa reading

NEWSLETTER #5—November, 2010
The Home Environment

Here are ideas for parents in preparing the home environment for children from birth to 12 years. Most of all children need time, unplanned or scheduled time alone and with parents, but there are also important things to know about what toys and materials support Montessori ideas that can be beneficial in the family at home.

Reading and Laughing

NEWSLETTER #4—August, 2010
Montessori Parenting & Teaching

Parents are the child's first teacher. Fun and laughter in home and school is so important because children remember and cherish the experiences they enjoy. This newsletter contains information on "the sense of order", concentration, modeling behavior, setting limits, time out, and more.

Bhutan students

NEWSLETTER #3—May, 2010
Montessori Cultural Geography

Children who develop a sense of belonging to the world community from a young age are going to be better prepared to succeed in the changing world as adults. This newsletter contains information on teaching children about the world, about cooperation and peace. It also contains information about a Montessori project in Bhutan that has involved Montessori students.

Original Giraffe

NEWSLETTER #2—January, 2010
Art and Montessori

Art in Montessori does not mean coloring books or group projects imitating a model created by the adult. It is about true creativity, expression, joy, and it is connected with all other areas of study such as biology, history, music, math, and so on. The child's original work is the goal.

Newsletters announcing books

#13 Book, Child of the World: Montessori, Global Education for Age 3-12+, March 2013

#14 Book, The Joyful Child: Montessori, Global Wisdom for Birth to Three, July 2013

#15 Book, The Universal Child, October 2013

#21 Book, No Checkmate, Montessori Chess Lessons for Age 3-90+ May 2016

#23 Book, Montessori and Mindfulness, November 2017

#25 Book, The Red Corolla, Montessori Cosmic Education (preparation in the 3-6 class), June 2019

#26 Book, Montessori Homeschooling, One Family's Story , August 2020

#27 Book, Aid to Life, Montessori Beyond the Classroom, March 2021

#28 Book, Please Help Me Do It Myself, Observation and Recordkeeping for the Montessori Primary and Elementary Class
, May 2022

Other Newsletters of interest

#2 Montessori Art, Jan 2010
#3 Montessori Cultural Geography, May 2010
#4 Montessori Parenting/Teaching, Aug 2010
#5 Montessori Home Environment, Nov 2010
#6 Montessori in Sikkim, Jan 2011
#7 Montessori Math, Apr 2011
#8 All 2009-2011 Newsletters, May 2011
#9 Montessori Grace and Courtesy, Aug 2011
#10 Montessori Biology, May 2012
#11 Practical Life, Real Life, Aug 2012
#12 Happy Children for the Holidays, Dec 2012
#16 Montessori Language, Apr 2014
#17 Swaddling, Caring for Others, Authentic Montessori. Nov 2014
#18 Concentration, Where the Magic Happens!, May 2015
#19 Michael Olaf Montessori Company, Nov 2015
#20 Cosmic Education, Feb 2016
#22 The Music Environment July 2016

These books speak to anyone wanting to understand Montessori. They are based on the author's fifty years of experience as a Montessori teacher and administrator, speaker, school consultant, and examiner for Montessori teacher training courses. Some have been translated in other languages, the English versions are available from Montessori book suppliers and online.

Permission is granted to quote up to 500 words at any one time—on websites or school newsletters or social media—from any of these books, as long as a link back to the book is provided.

AUTHOR'S WEBSITE, Montessori work over the years, art and international blog, SUSAN

MICHAEL OLAF Montessori information MICHAEL OLAF



This page was updated on May 10, 2022


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